dijous, 18 de febrer del 2016
Next summer
This summer I will go holidays to Granada, because one little part of my family are there. In Granada there is a Village very beautifulll her name is Alpujarra is very small because only has 300 habitants. This summer I will go to party with friends , and we had a great time. Also go to Madrid or Barcelona one weekend of my friends, is the first time will go to friends of holidays, because are young, but my mommy let me. She says that I have to live my life. And of course I will go to the beach every time, and I work cleaning houses or of my step-father.

My future
My future is a thing very important to think for me. Because I'm fifteen years old and turn sixteen. The next year I can choose two way's a stage or a baccaulerate and for me is a resolution important. I guide for the way to baccaulerate are two years very complicated and thought but I' want to go University. I wanna go because my family they would be proud to me. My family didn't are studios, just only my cousin have the graduate in the University.

My carnival favorite is the Roses. The best costume that i have wear been able to been one of Monster, Wearing him in the year 2012. The carnival influence my family because them love it. My cousins have a float, and the name of the group is PimPamPum, two years back were the first to exit. This year I disguise of cow with my friends and of girl of fantasy with my family. I love carnival because is a party when are very people but the disavantage is that people young use this party to get drunk.
dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2016
New years Resolution
1. My first resolution of 2016 is pass the ESO. Because is very importan for me and for my family.But is more dificult because are twelve subject, and someone are more dificult. The difficult subjects are: history,biology , English and Catalan (for me) .But I have self-confidence.
2.My second resolution is eat healthier, because this objective is very important to the health. This is good to
be in shape when know combine te two things all the same time.
3. My third resolution is save money. Because save money are very important, if one day there is an unexpected expense can be paid with the money saved.
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