dilluns, 5 de març del 2018


My simple invention desgned to keep my granfather safe

Kennet Shinozuka is a  boy who have founded a device for the people who have an alzheimer disease and in the night have  somnambulism. Truly this devaice is to help people who's carring about a relative with this type of disease, because take care about someone with alzhemier it's very exhausted and on top that is an sleepwalker it's more tired. And for deal with this problem he invented a devaice that you connect on the foot of the old man and when the person weak up of his bed and support on the floor it will start to send signals on a mobile phone to advise that the person who take the deviced is  getting up. He explain us the methodology that he had to follow for create it. He said that create that wasn't  so easier than  he thought when he came up with the plan.        

Personal opinion

Resultat d'imatges de invention of kenneth shinozukaI choosed that news because when I saw the tittle, it caught my attention, and when I saw that it was a device for people who've alzheimer it seemed to me more interesting. My  grandather had alzheimer, and anyone except me can say how it's difficulty to take care of a person who've this disease. All the time you have to be watching what is doing, and psychologically it's very tiring. I think that with this desease the person affect don't suffers but the others who are caring, they suffer.
I loved my grandfather but it's true that sometimes I cried because i don't knew what I had to do with he, take care of he was very exhausted, many night I didn't sleep caring of he.
With that I want to say that maybe for you this device is not important, but to a person like me who have had caring of a person with alzheimer and many night can't sleep, this device can be very effective, althought is not the cure almost can help people who's hopeless. If I did know of it I'm sure that I would have prove it.