dilluns, 13 de març del 2017

International Women's Day

International Women's Day is celebrated in March 8.It'is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since in the early 1900's - a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. International Women's Day is a collective day of global celebration and a call for gender parity. No one government, NGO, charity, corporation, academic institution, women's network or media hub is solely responsible for International Women's Day. Many organizations declare an annual IWD theme that supports their specific agenda or cause, and some of these are adopted more widely with relevance than others.
 For me the story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights. Thus International Women's Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action - whatever that looks like globally at a local level. But one thing is for sure, International Women's Day has been occurring for well over a century - and continue's to grow from strength to strength.
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The story starts when  the brother of a paraplegic(Marine Jake Sully) is killed in a robbery, and he decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.

Personal Opinion: It was a movie that revolutionize the box office at the theaters. Because it was a different movie that previously the people had not seen yet.  Personally I looked this movie when it came out as thre times one after the other. If someone has not seen, I recommend watch it.at least once in a lifetime.

Trailer of the movie:

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017

My little cosins

They are my little cosins and my sister.  Of my sister I talked previously in another "my Say," but of my cosins I don't talked yet, and they are an importance piece in my life. The girl who has sunglasses is Paula. She has six years old.  In the left of Paula is Marta, and she has five years old, and the baby is Laura who has two years old. Marta and Laura are sisters, and they are the daughters of Miguel, who I talked in the another "my say". They live in Roses, and they go togheter at the same school in Roses too.
Marta's very posh, always she weared clothes very sophisticated, well this is  fault of her mother because she's very posh too. But all of this you see when, you see she walking in the street, or when she talks with you for example,and she's a shy person.
Paula's the oposite of Marta, she's very crude and an expontaneus person, she's very mad.
My family say that Paula is like me,because Paula and I, we are very similar.person. I never will forgive when One day she asked to me: "Tania when you will take  me to a party", when she says that to me I did not know what to answer, because she only has 6 years old,but finally we decided that when she will has thirteen years old, I'll take her to a party.
Laura's the most younger in the family. She's very kind, and lovely, althought sometimes she's a little grumpy, but I think that it's normal in a child with only two years ago. She always when she sees me, she runs to me and she hugs me, with a big hug, accompanied by a wave of kisses. And for that reaison I say that she's lovely.

Description of Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio is a famous , for his film “the titanic”and for many more like “the wolf of wall street”... He measure 1,83 meter, and he has fourty-two years ago. He has a brown hair, he's going bald,and he's starting getting gray hairs.
His eyebrows are thicks, his forehead is big compared with the other people and in the forehead has wrinkles, but that is normal for the age that he has.
His eyes are what I like most of his face, because he has a blue eyes, exactly a blue sky. He has a little nose very definited. His mouth is little and fine.His face is roundish.

My personal opinion:  For me he has a face who transmit confidence and godness. He has an appareance very handsome for his age, in fact always he has been handsome. And he's in very good shape. Between the movies that he has done, the one I like the most is "The titanic".  This film was one of the best movie that I ever seen.

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Homeopathy, really a alternative medicine?

If I had to find an answer to the question ¬ What is homeopathy and it really work?_I think we would find an endless number of doubts, contradictory arguments of this new pseudo-science that is currently the subject of many conferences and recents studies about this new field. I believe that all those explanations are still "promises" and more "promises" about some alternatives treatments powered by a lucrative pharmaceutical industries that try to take advantage of health ignorance.

This  pseudo-science that has origins of more than 200 years ago and promises well-being and phantom treatments since times when medicine and its study was considered more an art than a pure science. These promises of healing and well-being, although they have been maintained to this day, in my opinion have no basics or scientific basics, but the mere fact of testimony of dubious origin that is most likely to have been propelled by those who sell us their own Medicine and its treatments with a single end, which is far removed from the professionalism that we are trying to shed and in the end we are looking for a purpose other than to generate high profits

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dissabte, 11 de març del 2017

My cosins

They are my cousins, the young man has fourteen years old and his name's Iker,the other man has thirty years old and his name's Miguel. They are from Roses, in fact actally they live there. Miguel has two little daughters, the older daughter has five years old, and for me is like my little princess, because is very beautiful and snooty, and her name is Marta. The other child is Laura and she has two years old, and is like her sister too, she's always happy, and always she get a smile in my family. Iker is a child which is starting with the age of puberty, and his voice is changing. He's very good when it is a question of arranging things as motorcycles, or stuffs as an engine of ships... His father works in a boat company, and the boss of the company he says at my cousin, if he wants to work there, because he's really good. And they have make a pact, that when my cousin end the studies he will start to work there.
This picture was taked in summer when my family and I, we went to pass a couple days on a camping in "Albanyà".


Jessi Arrington is a color-loving designer based in Brooklyn. She packed nothing for TED but seven pairs of undies,buying the rest of her clother in thrift stores around LA.It's a meditation on conscius consumption. She explained that she's a outfit obses, but the difference of the other people is always she buys the clothes in thift stores,
She loves wear, buy and take photos of the clothes.
In the video she shows their clothes for all the week.For the first day she will wear a bright skirt,a yellow shirt and a red blazer.
For the next day she will wear a red pants, a yellow  t-shirt and cowboy boots. The third day she will wear a dress very extravagant with many colors.  For the next day she described her look like "accept the children that you have inside",and she will brings green pants,a flowered shirt a pink blazer and a pink hat.
The fourth day she brings a purple dress.For the next day she brings a bright skirt and a blue shirt.

Personal opinion: For me she has a special look and different of the other people. And her personality too, she seems very kind and sotisfied,in fact her look defines her persoanlity. In the video she says :´" I has passed all of my live trying to be myself and in the same time trying fit in, just be who you are, and if you are sorrounded yourself  with the right people, they not only will understand it , they will apreciate it". With that lines she's trying to say that we have to dress like we believe it. And she is right, in fact all the people would have understand the importance of this phrase, and carry it out, because if this will happen, more things could change in the world, like the social differences, for example, the bulliyng. 

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Global issues


1.300 millions of people live on less than a dollar a day and for this reason we can say that the world isn't distributted,and is necessary do something for change this.If we don't act the objective to finished with the hungry and the poverty in the world proposed for the United Nations is so far away be fullfiled.

The poverty affect the people in differents way just as the years,gender, ubication... 
The kids, are an important group more vulnerable in the condition of poverty for their dependency emotional,physical, economic and social.
Well, today we have the tecnology and the capacity of produce sufficient nourishment for fill all the humanity. The problem however is we don't use this tecnology in the correct form. If we use our means for help de other people in bad condition, the world would change, but we prefer blink an eye because is more easy.
Luckily some people with a great hearth  make asociation and NGO,with the intention to help the people who need it. But,in fact this isn't enought, and we would have to colaborate for change this situation that many people suffer.
In Spain the povertty has increased a 8'10 percent between 2008  and 2012, and actually take a stance in the number 35 of 41 the estates in the OECD.

Resultat d'imatges de poverty is not an accident.