dissabte, 3 de juny del 2017

My dog

When I turned six my dad gave me a dog for my birthday. He puts the dog inside a box, and when I oppened the box and I saw the dog, I renember  I cried for the emotion. It was a dog very small and beautifull. I called she Miley. Well, I was little and on those moments the fashionable artist was "Hannah Montana"  that is to say "Miley Cyrus" and for this reason and called my dog Miley, although Miley is a nice name.
My dog is a very important peace in my life, really it's very important,.tPeople see the dogs just like animals,but my dog isn't only an animal, for me is more than an animal, I don't know how describe these felling, with these I want to say that my dog is very important for me, it could be said that she's as one  more of my family. Yes, it's like that. I look after she,since she was a little dog with only two months and now she has eleven years old, that in the years of the dogs are  seventy-seven years old. I have fear of lost her, I know that is the end of everybody and anybody can save of these destination,but I have lost much and I know the feeling of lost and it's very sad. I don't want to know a world without my dog, I'm accustomed to do much things with her, for example  I can sleep without her. Yes, I can't, the only moment that I sleep without her is when I dont sleep in my house, but if I'm in my house I  go up her into the bed, always. I'm in love of my dog. Maybe because when I arrive of the school, the only that receive my at home is she, and always when I open the door she's in front  the door waiting for me, and she sucks me, and she turns very happy.
For me this dog is amazing, she's very smart, When the christmas arrive I buy presents for my family,but I buy presents formy dog too,because she's so smart and when I tell her that the gift is for her, she understands it, and she turns crazy.

Scientists find that smoking harms livers of unborn babies


The impact of cigarette damage to unborn babies has been revealed in thousand of studies and I think right now is one of the greatest dangers first of all for the future of  the baby.  Are so many studies about this theme and I think what the problem is not just scientific, I think is more the problem of this moderns times of today. Smoking cigarettes, which contain around 7,000 chemicals, can damage foetal organs and can do real damage to the kid in the future and knowing all of this we continiue smoking every time more and more and the other problem I think is more important is what we are passive smokers all the time and every where. In this study the talk about the chemical responsabe of all the problem for the unborn baby, they say iver cells were exposed to the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes, including specific substances known to circulate in foetuses when mothers smoke. In my opinion it is a very important study and I think we have to read and take serious for the next generation.
Resultat d'imatges de embarazadas fumando
