divendres, 9 de desembre del 2016


Shanti is an elephant and her paintings cost 2000 dollars. Somebody has actually paid 2000 dollars for a painting done by an elephant.
Shanti has painted 12 paintings so far but now she is refusing to paint more. The director of the Prague gallery came up with an entirely improbable reason why.
The director said that “she starred as an elephant named Bimbo in the movie. She is an artist. Now she is in some sort of depression. We will just have to wait for her next wave of creativity.”
There is a good reason for all of this. Shanti’s paintings bring money which helps elephants in Sri Lanka.


Shanti's an Elephant wich painted paintings arround 2000 dollars apiece. For now the elephant painted arround 12 pieces, but she is refusing to paint more. The directos says that Shanti's doing a film, because she's a star, and now she has depression, and when the depression stops she will paint again. The film she's doing is "Alarm in the sky",and her name in the movie is "Bimbo".
Shanti’s paintings raise money for an elephant sanctuary in Sri Lanka. They have hope that the elephant gets the brush and trunk again.

Personal opinion: For me this is an amazing stuff,I  had never seen an elephant who painted. I would like see how she paint, it could  be a good experience.

Difficult words: so far (until now), entirely (completely).

Resultat d'imatges de elefantes pintando

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2016

The art of not embittering herself life.

The art of not embittering herself life is a book, but for me didn't are a normal book, because thanks to this book I doesn't felt into a depression. It help for climb your self-esteem.
The writer is Rafael Santandreu, he is a psychologist that he decisided make a book for help people who can't afford to go to a psychologist. The book is difficult to summarize because in each chapter talk about some stuff differents. A chapter that helped me is the chapter 13 "how to improve the relationships,including couple relationships".
The good thing about this book is that at the end of each chapter talk about what you've learned in that chapter.
It's a book for all ages, and I recommend reading it.

Resultat d'imatges de el arte de no amargarse la vida


Resultat d'imatges de rafael santandreuHe is Rafael Santandreu the writer of the book the art of not embittering herself life, and more books.

My birthday party

 The thirteenth of October was my birthday and I turned sixteen years old. I didn't have feel like celebrate it because my grand-father is very sick. My best friend Julia would that I celebrated my birthday and she preparated a sorprise party for me. She gathered all my friends and organise a dinner. I was in my home alone looking the TV, when she arrived at my home and she told me to dress because she and I we were leaving to dinner outside.In this moment I felt very exaltation. I got ready and I got on the motorcycle of Julia. Suddenly she parked the motorcycle, and I saw that we were at restaurant in Empuriabrava. When I got inside the restaurant I saw all the people that was in the restaurant.I felt very happy, and gratefull towards my friends.
That party will remain iin my memory forever.
I feel very happy to have this friends, sincerely I would not exchange them for anyhing in the world.


This saturday my friends and I, we had a party for celebrated the Pau's eighteen years. The mother of Pau organized a party secret with a dinner with the family of Pau and her friends. althought many of them didn't come, but the important ,is that we were the friends more important.
As Pau didn't nothing of the party first we told if he would go for a walk, as every weekend at night, and he said yes. While he are with they, the family of Pau organized the party. The party was in a local in Castelló d'Empúries that the owners they left us untill 2 pm.
At 9:30 pm I went to the local and wainted the other people that they had to brought Pau to the local .
When Pau arrived at the local he was very happy.
Afterward when all the people gave the gifts suddenly the family of Pau ,arrived with a car!!!! They bought a car!! at that moment Pau strated wept a lot.
Sincerely the party was perfect, and I am very happy for Pau, because he deserved this and more.
Pau is very important to me, he is a great person.


Laura is the sister of my best friend Julia, and I love her so much, because she is as my sister. I miss her because she went to Ireland six months,to learn english. At the moment she is enjoying the experience.She is in a house  of one family that tooke him, exchange of that she care for the kids.
In the beginning she was frighteneed because was the first time that she lived an experiencie like that, but in the past of time she make news friendships. She goes to a school to learn english, and there she have more friends. Laura is a person very important in my life, she takes good care of me, and I too of she.

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2016


My step brother is a person important in my life while didn't are my brother I consder as if it were. I've known him for three years. He have fifteen years old, he is long and thin. Her hobbi is play basketball, and sincerily he play's basketball very well, and also he play's very well voleyball, the truth is that the sports be him very well, but he prefer the basketball. He have a girlfriend that is a year older  that he. At the moment he didn't present me her girlfriend yet, because her girlfriend is very shameful, but I hope someday he will present it.
.And the little girl that are between is my sister Sara, she if is  my sister of blood, she have seven years old, and is the person more important of my life. Phisically she is small and thin as me, she have the eyes brown, and the hair too. She is very boastful, always she make up herself. I see how big it gets, and fascinates me, because I renember when she was born, that she was very small, and I see today and renember the things that we past togheter. But the time is like this.
This photo is when we  went at holidays in Granada in summer,this photo exactly is in Lanjaron a village of Granada.

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016


People with Taiwan took her dogs to donate blood in a hospital for dogs. her blood help to others dogs that they need the blood for transfusions, or hope to help injured dogs that usually have to rely  donations. Assistant Professor Sai Yi Lun says at the moment transfusions can't be guaranteed immediately,and it's not possible to know whether the donor dog is healthy and doesn't have any diseases.
Dogs have to between one to eight years old,wight more twenty kilograms, and have received regular vaccinations.
Dogs donate blood – level 3In my opinion this is spectacular because if this function, that can help many dogs, and perhaps or animals for example cats. 

Injured: synonym of hurt.
rely: synonym of trust.
guaranteed: synonym of assured.
disseases: synonym of sikness.

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016


Resultat d'imatges de payasos de miedo por las ciudades

They are a clowns with the proposite the scare people. People are dressing as scary clowns and pranking the other people. In someone countries this are prohibited because, the people who disguise of these clowns, thet take stuff scary, for a example a electric saw or ax, and something are real, and this is dangerous, because in the epoch who are, the people can think that this is a attack or many more stuff.
In USA  Police arrested a student at a University after he brandished a real chainsaw on campus at night, althought he claims it was just a prank.

-Bizzare: Very strange.
-Pranking: Joke
-Stuff: thing

dimarts, 18 d’octubre del 2016


In this news explain about the young people in Britain because one in three have a tatto, and this worries at the business about the image the tattoo would give to customers or clients. Very bussines are rejecting candidates  because they have tattos. One tatto artist say that he  tattooed people who have a work as politician, doctors or policeman.
In my opinion the society of the present didn't understand that is a tatto, and this are a beautifull, is a art that you decided spend in you body. I have a tatto and for me is a very important because this tatto define that I'am in the reality.


Trainee: a person in training for some job, skill...
Conciliation service: a service which helps employers and employees solve problems
Perjudice:an opinion which is not based on reason or actual experience

Resultat d'imatges de tattoos atrapasueños

dilluns, 28 de març del 2016

My aunt

Her name was Avelina, she  die when she was 43 years.She die for a breast cancer. She was very amusing, sweet,extravagant..I could say many more things about her but didn't finished. Phisically was just a little obesly, the hair brown and the eyes green. I love it because she was as my mother. She came every day with me at school and she prepare the dinner. My parents work all day and she take care of me. Basically my infancy happen with her. In summer she take me on the beach all days, and we played volleyball, swam. She have a husband and two children.Without  nothing is the same. things have changed a lot, in the family, in me...She is the best person that I ever met.


On 29 of March the students of Castelló D'empuries we will go to Italy for a trip for a six days. We leave of Castello D'empuries to Barcelona airport at 5 a.m. At seven arrive at the airport. And then, we stay in the airport for two hours, since a half past ten, when the flight leave. Finally I jope arrive to  Pisa at twelve o'clock. And we will visit Florencia,Roma,Pisa,Lucca....I sense that this trip will be very amusing and interesting.

dijous, 18 de febrer del 2016

Next summer

This summer I will go holidays to Granada, because one little part of my family are there. In Granada there is a Village very beautifulll her name is Alpujarra is very small because only has 300 habitants. This summer I will go to party with friends , and we had a great time. Also go to Madrid or Barcelona one weekend of my friends, is the first time will go to friends of holidays, because are young, but my mommy let me. She says that I have to live my life. And of course I will go to the beach every time, and I work cleaning houses or of my step-father.

My future

My future is a thing very important to think for me. Because I'm fifteen years old and turn sixteen. The next year I can choose two way's a stage or a baccaulerate and for me is a resolution important. I guide for the way to baccaulerate are two years very complicated and thought but I' want to go University. I wanna go because my family they would be proud to me. My family didn't are studios, just only my cousin have the graduate in the University.


My carnival favorite is the Roses. The best costume that i have wear been able to been one of Monster, Wearing him in the year 2012. The carnival influence my family because them love it. My cousins have a  float, and the name of the group is PimPamPum, two years back were the first to exit. This year I disguise of cow with my friends and of girl of fantasy with my family. I love carnival because is a party when are very people but the disavantage is that people young use this party to get drunk.

dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2016

New years Resolution

1.  My first resolution of 2016 is pass the ESO. Because is very importan for me and for my family.But is more dificult because are twelve subject, and someone are more dificult. The difficult subjects are: history,biology , English and Catalan (for me) .But  I have self-confidence.

2.My second resolution is eat healthier, because this objective is very important to the health. This is good to
 be in shape when know combine te two things all the same time.

3. My third resolution is save money. Because save money are very important, if one day there is an unexpected expense can be paid with the money saved.