If I had to find an answer to the question ¬ What is homeopathy and it really work?_I think we would find an endless number of doubts, contradictory arguments of this new pseudo-science that is currently the subject of many conferences and recents studies about this new field. I believe that all those explanations are still "promises" and more "promises" about some alternatives treatments powered by a lucrative pharmaceutical industries that try to take advantage of health ignorance.
This pseudo-science that has origins of more than 200 years ago and promises well-being and phantom treatments since times when medicine and its study was considered more an art than a pure science. These promises of healing and well-being, although they have been maintained to this day, in my opinion have no basics or scientific basics, but the mere fact of testimony of dubious origin that is most likely to have been propelled by those who sell us their own Medicine and its treatments with a single end, which is far removed from the professionalism that we are trying to shed and in the end we are looking for a purpose other than to generate high profits

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