I started to play volleyball when I had eleven years old. First I started to play volleyball in Castelló D'empuries but only I train, and it was boring. My cousin talked to me about a club on Sant Pere Pescador and I decided to sign up there, and nowadays I've to say that it was the best decition that I could have had. I signed up with a few friends, and I met people.

In the beginning I was very awkward because I never have spoke with they, and they were all friends except me.
After a while, we were taking confidence until to form the family that we're . Nowadays, they are my girls, I feel that with they I can be myself, and I love them a lot, they are like my second family.
Volelleyball helps me a lot, because when I go to train my mind desconect about all, It's my moment of peace, relax. If i didn't play Volleyball I think that this year it would be very chaotic ( because the studies).

The year that I ejoying more is this, because this year a male team was created, and with the guys we're very connected. Fridays when we finished to training we go to dinner on a restaurant on Sant Pere Pescador called " Ruki", and how the guys train after us, when they finish they come to dinner with us. And I enjoy a lot these dinners because we laught a lot.

In the rating now we're fifths, but we're fatting to ascend, it's difficult but we can.
In conclusion I love my team very much, and thanks to them I can be the person who I'm now, because maybe they don't know but thanks to them I can disconnect of my problems, and make my life more easier.

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